Are Aging Truckers Putting Your Life at Risk?

Aging truckers sometimes create dangerous driving conditions and increased accident risks due to physical impairments, cognitive dysfunctions, and fatigue. Aging Truckers Pose Driving Dangers Older truck drivers face physical and mental challenges that often create dangerous driving conditions for other motorists. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and

What’s Causing Motorcycle Accidents in Nevada?

Impaired driving, lack of rider training, unsafe riding gear, and lack of attention by other drivers cause numerous Nevada motorcycle accidents that result in injuries and fatalities. Motorcycle Accidents Rise in Nevada In the past few years, Nevada has experienced a rise in motorcycle fatalities. According to the Nevada Department of Public

100 Deadliest Days: Crashes Involving Teens Kill 10 People Per Day

The summer months of June, July, and August are the deadliest days for teenage drivers, accounting for 43 percent of yearly teen car crashes. Car accidents for teens are 26 percent higher during the summer than other months of the year. The Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers Teen drivers normally face higher