Common Causes of Henderson Car Accidents

Single and multi-vehicle car crashes occur in Henderson for a variety of reasons. When distracted or impaired drivers, defective vehicles, or aggressive motorists cause a crash, our car accident attorneys can help. We handle personal injury and wrongful death claims that arise from all types of crashes.

What are the most common causes of traffic accidents?

Distracted or fatigued driving, DUI, and speeding cause millions of people to be injured or killed in car accidents every year. While human error is responsible for approximately 90 percent of all motor vehicle collisions, defective vehicles are a common factor as well. If any type of negligence contributes to a car accident, you may be able to pursue damages from the responsible party. Common causes of motor vehicle crashes in Henderson include:

Drunk Driving

Despite decades of campaigns highlighting the deadly consequences of drinking and driving, alcohol plays a role in a startling number of roadway accidents and fatalities. In 2016, 28 percent of all traffic accident fatalities, or 10,497 lives were claimed in accidents involving alcohol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is estimated that alcohol-related crashes are responsible for 29 deaths daily.

Distracted Driving

As smartphones have risen in popularity in recent years, so has the rate of fatal accidents on US roads. According to AAA, 35 percent of self-reporting drivers admitted sending emails or texts while driving. About 49 percent admit to using their cell phones. While most drivers concede that these behaviors are dangerous, they still text, talk, take photos, and change music playlists, all while attempting to keep an eye on the road.
It isn’t only phones that can cause dangerous distractions though. When drivers attempt to eat, attend to their young children, or allow passengers to get out of control without pulling over, they put themselves and other drivers at much greater risk of a crash.

Aggressive Driving

Navigating traffic can be stressful, but responding to this stress with aggressive driving tactics poses a serious danger to others on the road. Drivers who speed, follow too closely, cut off other drivers, yell threats, or otherwise behave aggressively while behind the wheel are much more likely to become involved in an accident. Victims of aggressive drivers can use evidence in the form of public surveillance videos, dashcam footage, eyewitness testimony from other drivers, and police reports to prove another driver was driving aggressively before a crash.

Drowsy Driving

Drivers are putting their lives and the lives of others in peril by driving on too little sleep. When drivers get between five and six hours of sleep a night, they become about twice as likely to be involved in an accident than someone who got seven or more hours of sleep. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has found that, when analyzing video of drivers involved in accidents, almost 11 percent of those involved in serious accidents showed signs of drowsiness prior to a crash.

Let Us Help You Recover After a Car Accident

Even when drivers are fully insured, they may struggle to receive the compensation they are owed after an accident, especially if they do not have the help of a knowledgeable injury attorney. If you are the victim of a car accident or have lost a loved one because of another driver’s negligence, you need a dedicated injury lawyer on your side to fight for the money you are legally entitled to receive.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer, fill out our online form or contact David Boehrer Law Firm directly at (702) 750-0750.