The Henderson Metro Police recently released its list of most dangerous intersections in metropolitan Henderson. These locations had the highest number of car accidents resulting in physical injuries for a period of six months ending on Feb 4 this year (2014).
A key factor in the increased risk of car accidents is the high volume of traffic generated by the businesses along these Henderson streets. While avoiding these injury-prone sites may reduce your risk of car accidents, other variables beyond your control can still expose you to risks even on other roads in metropolitan Henderson.
Car accidents can consist of motor vehicle collisions, a motor vehicle colliding with a bicycle or a motor vehicle hitting a pedestrian. Records show that these crashes can be the result of DUI violations, distracted drivers, and through the fault or negligence of a party.
Depending on the severity of the accident, victims can suffer slight to serious physical injuries, or lose a loved one as a result.
If you or someone you know are involved in a car accident, we suggest that you contact your Henderson car accident lawyer immediately. An experienced and professional attorney will provide legal advice and services – such as
In the greater Henderson, Nevada area, personal injury attorney David Boehrer has years of valuable experience in car accident cases. We have helped clients obtain full and fair settlements to compensate them for their physical, emotional and financial injuries.
We will handle your Henderson car accident case on a contingency fee basis and offer a free initial consultation to assess your situation. We invite you to contact us today at 702-750-0750 to discuss how attorney David Boehrer can help to secure you compensation for your injury.