Parents rely on child strollers and car carriers for transporting their little ones but should be aware of the risks involved in their use.
Data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System showed that in the period from 1990 and 2010, a total of 360,937 children aged 5 or younger were injured in stroller-related and carrier accidents.
Manufacturing and design defects can cause a stroller to tip over and fall, resulting in physical injuries such as facial cuts, bruises, and head injuries in younger children. For stroller-related accidents, nearly 25% of children who were injured were diagnosed with traumatic brain injury or concussion.
A concussion may be a mild form of brain injury from which young children may seem to quickly recover, but it can still have long-term consequences by affecting a child’s development, learning, and behavior. Injury to a young brain that is still developing may often manifest years after the time of the injury. In other cases, problems in adult years can be linked to brain injury in childhood.
Current federal safety regulations require manufacturers to comply with safety standards. Parents as well are encouraged to do their own research before committing to a new stroller or carrier. To prevent serious injury to young children, parents must also:
But if despite exercising care and diligence to ensure the safety of your child, an accident still happens while using a defective stroller or carrier, the first thing to do is to seek immediate treatment for any obvious injuries for your child. It is also advisable to have your child thoroughly examined for potential head and brain injury after a fall.
You should also be able to speak to an experienced Henderson brain injury attorney about your situation. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, your attorney can determine whether a potential claim for compensation exists under the situation. They can also provide legal advice on appropriate steps for your child’s complete recovery.
Whether you’re in Boulder City, Pahrump, Summerlin, or Spring Valley, Nevada, the Law Firm of David Boehrer can help you recover compensation for brain injury due to another party’s fault or negligence. Our firm has nearly a decade of personal injury experience and has helped clients obtain the true value of compensation that they legally deserve.
We welcome your call to us today at (702) 750-0750 to arrange a free initial consultation.