Head injuries sustained by a blow to the head often result in damage to the brain and skull causing tissue damage, skull fractures, hemorrhages, severe swelling, and death.
A sudden or severe blow to the head often results in injuries to the brain. Major types of head injuries are commonly seen in victims of motor vehicle crashes, falls from heights or onto hard surfaces, sports-related accidents, and physical assaults. Depending on the severity of impact, head injuries can have life-altering consequences.
A diffuse axonal injury is a brain injury that doesn’t cause bleeding, but does damage brain cells. Although a diffuse axonal injury is not outwardly visible like some forms of brain injury, it’s one of the most dangerous types of head injuries, often leading to permanent brain damage and/or death.
A concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), occurs when the brain strikes the inside of the skull, usually due to a sudden change in movement. Car crashes and sports-related accidents are common causes of concussion due to sudden jerking motions or impact of the head with hard objects. Generally, concussion injuries are temporary, but repeated concussions can lead to permanent brain damage.
A skull fracture is a break to the cranial bone, also known as the skull. Since the skull has no bone marrow, it’s very hard and difficult to fracture. However, when it does, it’s unable to absorb the impact which makes brain damage much more likely. There is only one major cause of a skull fracture – an impact or a blow to the head that’s hard enough to break the cranial bone.
A coup-contrecoup injury occurs when the brain jerks suddenly within the skull. The impact causes the brain to strike both sides of the skull, causing considerable damage to both sides of the brain. In Nevada, Henderson’s best accident attorneys often see coup-contrecoup head injuries to victims of rollover vehicle accidents that are extremely violent or forceful. Injuries often cause bleeding or swelling in the brain, seizures, and memory loss.
A penetrating head wound occurs when an external object penetrates the skull. Victims of high-speed car crashes and falls from heights often suffer penetrating head wounds with serious complications which can be fatal. Penetration injuries can result in heavy blood loss, bleeding from the ears, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, and paralysis.