According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), the number of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths related to traumatic brain jury have increased over the past decade.
Many families in the Henderson area have been affected by traumatic head injuries recently and the following are just a few of the cases to have hit the media:
It is estimated that every year as many as 1.4 million Americans suffer from a brain injury. As of 2010, the CDC estimated that the number of traumatic brain injuries were as high as 823.7 per every 100,000 Americans.
These events can be traumatic and are often misdiagnosed or completely missed by both the person suffering from the injury and even worse, his or her doctor.
If you suspect you have suffered a head injury, these are some of the symptoms to look out for:
First and most importantly, seek medical treatment. Visit your emergency department and provide the treating physicians and nurses with as much information as you can about what happened, when it happened, and how it happened.
After a medical evaluation you will have a better idea of whether or not a claim should be made. In these situations, at the DBLF Injury Lawyers we offer free initial consultations to brain injury sufferers or their survivors, for further guidance, advice and advocacy.
With decades of combined experience, our law firm has the knowledge and the tools necessary to ensure that you or your loved one receives the compensation he or she deserves for their pain and suffering.
Call us today at (702) 750-0750 to schedule your consultation with one of our Henderson personal injury attorneys.