Moped Helmet Bill to Minimize Traumatic Brain Injury Incidents in Nevada

Senate Bill 426 requiring the use of headgear for moped riders has been approved in the Nevada Senate. Mopeds are motorized bicycles that are popular modes of transportation among students. The proposed legislation is primarily intended to address growing incidents of traumatic brain injury affecting scooter and moped riders in the state.

Key Considerations in the Event of a Truck Accident

In 2008 there was a total of 123,918 large trucks involved in nonfatal crashes in the United States. That figure does not include the many thousands of truck accidents that did cause injury or death and as our roads are becoming more and more congested, that figure will likely grow. If you

Potential Workers Compensation Claim in Henderson Scaffolding Death

A construction worker fell to his death when scaffolding in a construction project collapsed from a height of approximately 20 feet above the ground. The construction project owner immediately suspended all activities on the site pending the outcome of the OHSA investigation but did not comment on whether it was the employer

Who Is Responsible for Driverless Auto Accidents?

The United States government is expected to release guidelines and model legislation for states that want to legalize the use of automated cars but are concerned with issues such as liability for driverless auto accidents. The announcement comes after automated car manufacturers Volvo and Google recently stated that they will accept full

$13 Million Award for Customer Who Suffered Brain Injury

A giant home improvement retailer was recently ordered to pay around $13 million to a patron who suffered a brain injury in a slip and fall accident at one of its stores in Nevada. The plaintiff, who is a 38-year old mother of 3, claimed that the accident happened while she was

Personal Injury Suits and Wrongful Death

Over the Holiday Season, there were reports that a 56-year-old man from Lemmon Valley was arrested following a hit-and-run car accident. The accident had occurred in Sun Valley on the day before Thanksgiving. The victim of the accident was found to be dead by the law enforcement officials who responded to the

Football Brain Injuries and a Child’s Rights

During this election season, there was a local candidate in Henderson running for the school board on a platform that High School Football should be eliminated. His reasoning involved the risks that the sport poses to the human brain. Brain Injury cases have become big news in recent years due to suicides