
What to Tell Your Doctor After a Car Crash

Auto accident attorney, David Boehrer talks about what you should be sure to tell your doctor after you’ve been in a car crash;


David Boehrer:
Hey, everyone. You ever wonder what you’re supposed to say to the doctor after you’ve been in a car crash? My name is Dave Boehrer. I’m an attorney here in Las Vegas, and I’m here to answer that question for you. And the answer to that question is really simple. Tell him the truth. Tell him exactly what happened. Tell him how it happened, and tell him what hurts. A lot of people think, “Man, it doesn’t hurt that bad. I won’t mention it,” but you gotta tell him everything that hurts, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Go through everything that hurts. As long as he documents that it hurts, we can always chase it down later and say you got better. But if you never tell the doctor it hurts in the first place, it’s never gonna be related to the accident. So, my advice to you when you go to the doctor and you tell him everything that hurts, he will write it down. He will document it and make it work for you. So, my answer to this question is what do you say to the doctor? You tell him the truth. Tell him what happened. Tell him how it happened and move on from there. That’s all we got for today. Have a good day. Thanks.