
Can bicycles ride in a lane of traffic, or must they use bike lanes and shoulders?

Bicyclists are encouraged to use bike lanes whenever they are available, and they are allowed to ride on the shoulder, but cyclists are not required by law to use either. Cyclists may choose to take a lane instead. If riding in a lane of traffic, cyclists are supposed to ride as far to the right as practicable, except when making a left turn, traveling at a speed commensurate with the traffic flow, or when it would not be safe to do so.

A cyclist can lawfully occupy the lane and ride in the center of the lane when the lane is marked with a bicycle and double arrow, indicating the lane is to be shared equally by cars and bikes. If there is only one lane for travel and five or more vehicles are lined up behind the bicycle, the cyclist must leave the roadway where it is safe to do so, to allow the vehicles to pass. This rule applies to all slow-moving vehicles as well as bicycles.