There is no way to know in advance how long it will take to settle your case. Your attorney may be able to provide you with an educated guess based on prior similar cases, but since no two cases are alike, it is impossible to provide you with a definitive answer.
Your accident lawyer will work with you to gather details regarding the accident, discuss your injuries, talk about your lifestyle before and after the accident, go over evidence, and develop a case strategy. One of the most important things only you can control is continuing to see your medical provider. You may also need to attend mediation meetings, court dates, and legal proceedings.
You will be expected to forward pertinent correspondence about your case to your attorney and be available for questions and clarification throughout the development of your case. You, your attorney, and their legal staff will work together as your case proceeds. Your attorney will be most effective so long as you provide information and maintain communication throughout the settlement/trial process.
Call (702) 750-0750 today or fill out our online form for a no-obligation evaluation of your personal injury claim.